Monday, August 04, 2008

NinHao Everyone - well this is a day of firsts...First time ever blogging, and first time going to China. Needless to say, I'm a little nervous. I mean, it's a pretty big deal and what happens if folks are like, "He's a moron...this is the most boring blog I've ever read." I could be done in blog-land forever!

So, unlike my usual ramblings in my CEO updates to my company, I'm going to keep this one short and sweet. In case I die a fiery ball of flames, I just want all of my friends, my girlfriend Courtney (and our cat Jumpy), co-workers (who are also my friends) and family members to know how much I care about you and you've made my life what it is today...

I will be in Beijing in about 13 hours (hopefully) and I'll update everyone on how things went flight-yes I will have a few cocktails, customs and me trying to speak Mandarin to get my cab driver to my hotel. Wish me luck!