Saturday, January 30, 2010

Fort Washington Open House

Hey all, just wanted to say the open house in Fort Washington was a great success. Thank you to the Washington Redskins cheerleaders, who were there signing autographs for our guests. We were happy to introduce to the community Dr Everett Scott, the clinic director of Sport and Spine Rehab of Fort Washington; we are also excited about our new clinic space at 9300 Livingston Road, Ft. Washington, MD 20744. So even if you missed the open house please still feel free to come stop by and meet Dr. Scott and see the NEW clinic!!!

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Attorney General Doug Gansler

Sport and Spine Rehab held a fundraiser at our Rockville clinic to support the Re-Election of Maryland's Attorney General, Mr. Doug Gansler. The fundraiser was held on September 29th and was a great success!! We raised over $7000 which was above our goal. Mr. Gansler has made a tremendous impact and contribution in protecting policies that affect access to care and patient's rights. Thank you to everyone who made this fundraiser possible!

More information on Doug Gansler can be found on his website:

Mr. Doug Gansler (left) and Dr. Jay Greenstein (right) pictured above

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Olympic Gold Medalist

In June, SSR had an incredible opportunity to work the Pro Volleyball Tour and treated the Olympic Gold Medalist for the US in Ocean City, MD. Dr. Jay was in charge of putting together a team of doctors to work the Pro Volleyball Tour. Our dedicated SSR team, Drs. Jay, Agosto, Scott, Steacy, and Huffman volunteered their free time to work the event. Our team of docs has the opportunity to treat the top volleyball players in the world including the Gold Medalist for the US.

The Tour Director Matt Gage had this to say about the SSR medical team:
“The staffing and Sports Medicine care on site turned out to be excellent. Thanks for making such a concerted effort to make sure our players were well taken care of”

The National PT for the AVP, Rob Landel, PT, DPT, OCS, said:“Thanks for putting together a top notch team for the Ocean City event. I think it was a success!”


TRAC 2009

Dr. Jay and Dr. Bishop recently attended the Theraband Research Advisory Committee (TRAC) 2009 meeting, where there innovative work did not go unnoticed. They had the opportunity to present SSR studies to the committee of top clinical researchers; needless to say they were extremely impressed with SSR’s findings. After the presentation was done they discussed a terrific new study idea for Dr. Bishop……stay tuned for a study in the near future! Phil Page, ATC, PT, PhD (candidate) then took the floor and told the room that he was incredibly impressed with SSR’s work, and that SSR was following in the footsteps of some of the greatest clinical researchers in the world today! Impressive wouldn’t you say coming from the TOP clinical researchers themselves??? What sets SSR apart from the rest? “When we produce research that establishes a best practice, we clearly become the experts…AND, we know this clinical information before anyone else does, so WE LEAD, NOT FOLLOW”—Dr. Jay.


Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Check out this great story on our friends (and patients!).....the Washington Redskins Cheerleaders! There are some pictures featured from their most recent appearance with Sport and Spine Rehab at Draft Day.


Check out the 5PM news on WUSA-9 this Wednesday. Sport and Spine will be featured in a story about golf and chiropractic care. Check out the WUSA website here. Video to be posted to our website soon!


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Avon Walk for Breast Cancer

Here is Dr. Jay leading the opening stretches for the 2009 Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, which took place May 2-3 here in Washington D.C. Congrats to all of the walkers! Over 3,000 participated in the event, raising over $6.8 million!!

Dr. Jay was honored to help get the walkers warmed up and off to a great start early Saturday morning!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Dr. Bishop on

Dr. Bishop is featured in a recent press release from, discussing the importance of using the site in SSR's clinics to improve the quality care we provide for our patients.
"Our mantra is that it's all about the patient experience. Analyzing patient satisfaction improves patient outcomes. Patients are simply more responsive to care, and they are more likely to come in for treatment," says Dr. Bishop.
March 30rd is "Doctor's Day" on the site, an occasion which encourages patients to give their feedback as a gift to their physicians.

Please follow the attached link to read the full article from

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Dr. Huffman, one of "America's Most Loved Doctors"

Please read the following article for more on Dr. Huffman's recognition as one of "America's Most Loved Doctors" by

Maryland chiropractor among ’America’s Most Loved Doctors’

March 10, 2009 — Allen Huffman, DC, member of Sport and Spine Rehab, is one of “America’s Most Loved Doctors,” says, a patient satisfaction and physician-rating Web site.
Huffman, a chiropractor with physical therapy privileges, is the clinic director in Landover, MD, for Sport and Spine Rehab. He was named as one of the top six doctors (of 64,000 subscribers) for the 2009 Doctor of the Year award by Winston-Salem, N.C.-based, an interactive online survey Web site where patients rate their physicians, as well as find doctors based on their service.

DrScore named Craig Robbins, a pediatric orthopedic surgeon in Jackson, Miss., this year’s Doctor of the Year. To merit consideration for Doctor of the Year, physicians had to have at least 100 ratings on the DrScore site. Patients rated all the finalists, including Huffman, as excellent physicians.

Huffman received an overall score of 9.7 out of 10, a near perfect rating. Almost 150 patients rated him on the care he provides, including how much time he spends with them and the quality of care he provides.

Source: DrScore,