TRAC 2009
Dr. Jay and Dr. Bishop recently attended the Theraband Research Advisory Committee (TRAC) 2009 meeting, where there innovative work did not go unnoticed. They had the opportunity to present SSR studies to the committee of top clinical researchers; needless to say they were extremely impressed with SSR’s findings. After the presentation was done they discussed a terrific new study idea for Dr. Bishop……stay tuned for a study in the near future! Phil Page, ATC, PT, PhD (candidate) then took the floor and told the room that he was incredibly impressed with SSR’s work, and that SSR was following in the footsteps of some of the greatest clinical researchers in the world today! Impressive wouldn’t you say coming from the TOP clinical researchers themselves??? What sets SSR apart from the rest? “When we produce research that establishes a best practice, we clearly become the experts…AND, we know this clinical information before anyone else does, so WE LEAD, NOT FOLLOW”—Dr. Jay.
Labels: TRAC 2009 meeting
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