IOC Member Ivan Dibos and his wife.

WOA Secretary General Tony Legard and his wife.
We also had some fun with an ESPN cameraman who we treated...
We then had the opportunity to see Michael Phelps give his interviews at the Reunion Center after winning his record setting gold medal!

Had a day off and went to beach volleball and Summer Palace
Our patient, and Chilean decathlete Gonzalo. He was treated for a variety of conditions and even referred in one of his track teammates.
The "Cube" (with 7 star hotel in background and yes that's a big screen in the middle of it) and the birdnest...Amazing structure. Track and field pics below.
So, I thought I would end this blog with a top ten list...so here goes...TOP TEN THINGS THAT I EXPERIENCED IN BEIJING
10. Treating Olympians and Alumni
9 . Hanging out with a great group of doctors and athletes
8. Hearing the National Anthem at the Birdsnest after the American won the Decathlon
7. Seeing the Great Wall, Forbidden City and Summer Palace
6. Surviving the cab rides -although I still have one left
5. Getting on Chinese TV while hanging out with the Australian Bronze medal winning Hockey team. (I actually have a picture of me wearing the bronze with one of the guys, but my camera isn't with me but I'll add to post later
4. Having the Chinese take pictures of me and a friend because they thought WE were athletes...go figure...Imagine walking down the street and 15 folks surround you asking for a picture...I wish I had a picture of that picture...
3. Shopping at the Silk Market...Best negotiations of my life!
2. Getting by knowing 3 words in Mandarin...hi, thank you and your welcome.
1. Meeting the Chinese People. They were extremely nice and hospitable
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