Well, things are heating up around here...today has been a very interesting day and it's just 3:41 in the afternoon. I was up around 4:30 am and did some work, then went to work out at the "gym" in the building. Had some breakfast at the hotel "cafe" and then I was on my way to the ORC (Olympic Reunion Center).
Thanks to the help of the front desk ladies who are always smiling and pleasant and speak English pretty well as well as "SK", a man who knows how to get things done, our rehab equipment and our computer hardware, which has our software for electronic health records and data collection, arrived.
Traffic is MURDER around here...and as you can see, the weather ain't much better (shhh, don't tell the Chinese government I said that!). Also, that crazy arch is the new Chinese TV station building...It's HUGE! (note small 10 story building in the right front of the TV building). Urban planning is interesting in Beijing...I don't really get it...lots of big buildings interspersed throughout the city with seemingly no cohesive architectual format, but what do I know about this stuff anyway?!

That was a big relief...now, I just need my Ultrasound machine and iJoy board - oh, but wait, my US machine was delivered and it's sitting right at the front door...BUT, then UPS guy decided that he couldn't leave it because the he needed 2,740 Yuan...let me tell you, I don't have 2,740 of anything, let alone Chinese Yuan! So they left with my US machine because I didn't have the cash to pay the UPS guy for the Chinese Government "duty"...fun, fun, fun...anyway, my main man SK said he'll make sure it's delivered (along with the iJoy board) tomorrow...someone's going to get a big tip when I leave here and I think his name begins with an "S".
Then I went and had lunch...this was fun because I asked for a table for one and got a private room. Then, I looked at the menu (I took some pics so you can see what the delicacies are) and decided to play it safe with a beer and some Peking duck (a lot safer than the chicken feet I saw on the menu-pic enclosed)...well apparently my Chinese isn't very good because after waiting about 45 minutes, the waitress was still waiting to place an order I thought I already placed (her pic is enclosed also - those are lychees she's holding - delicious little fruits!). They were very nice and apologetic, but it probably wasn't their fault...I've only really learned two words in Chinese (hello and thank you) and beleive it or not, it's gotten me pretty far...just not far enough to eat yet...
Tonight is the big World Olympians Association Gala...they're expecting about 500 folks...I have to wear a suit...ever wear a suit in a dirty sauna before? Yeah, how YOU doin? I'll have more pics from that later...
It looks like I'll be treating my first Olympian tomorrow, an athlete from the Chilean team. Looking forward to having an impact...that's what I'm here for... ok, I miss everyone at home...be well!
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