Last night was fun ...a great opening event for the ORC (Olympic Reunion Center).
Lots of cultural entertainment! Dick Fosbury (of the Famed "Fosbury Flop"), President of the World Olympians Association also spoke. He's a really nice guy...had a chance to have Pizza with him on Wednesday!

Also, lots of press on hand...Met some folks from NBC and told them about our clinic so they
could come by and get some treatment if they needed (and hopefully do a few interviews!)

Met lots of folks (Bob Beamon who shattered the long jump world record at the '68 Olympics-stood for 23 years-nice guy; Met "Willie" (pic below) the head of the Olympic Committee for the Dominican Republic; as well as a few other Olympic Committee Chiefs) all of whom are looking to get care for their athletes and/or themselves. Getting the word out about access to services was my main job last night. 

Also, three of the team docs arrived (I'm pictured with Dr. Phil Yoo - middle from Seoul, Korea; and Dr. Thien Dang Tan, who had a practice right down the street from me in Rockville, Maryland, but then moved to Toronto) and it was great to hang out with them. I took lots of pics and that's more interesting than what I have to write so just enjoy...

PS-apparently someone in China also loves NYC!

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