Thursday, August 21, 2008

One of the most exciting things happening today was that two of our doctors got interviewed by NBC4 back home! Check out the blog entry below for date and time...very exciting!!!

So, it's been over a week since I've updated. It's been so busy and days and nights run together. Days are filled with being a doctor and nights have been filled with events either inside the World Olympians Association Reunion Center or outside. To the right is a picture of our team from the first and second shift which had overlap. Also pictured is the Medical Director for the Phillipines, who is a DC. He's with me in the back row. All great folks and lots of fun - excellent doctors

A few nights ago, we had dinner with the International Scout for the Los Angeles Lakers. Great guy and lots of insight into the sport and the players.
So, the last time I updated, the next day was going to be my first day off and I was going to the Great was unbelievable. I went with my friend Dr. Angela Salcedo, the President of the International Sports Chiropractic Association. We took a tram part of the way up, then hiked up the rest of the way, then went to the very edge and then got brushed by lightening, caught in a thunderstorm and then took a zip line down about a quarter of a mile...just amazing...see pics video below...some of these pics were taken along the way and are self explanatory!

Yeah, when nature calls, you use what you got...Note the beer bottle with the candle in it (no clue)...Also of note is this doubles as a shower!

Here is our tour guide David, great guy. He showed us the route and then we were off

SSR of the Great Wall - Representin'

I think he likes me
We went all the way to the edge. After that chain, it's considered too dangerous to climb. The pictures don't do it justice...

They serve BEER here at the top of the Great Wall?!?!?! I might just cop a squat, hang my legs off the Great Wall and have myself a cold one...I think I've earned it!

Incredible structure that goes for thousands of miles...but then the adventure truly began...a storm in the distance turned into a lighting bolt right over our heads. I literally felt the charge when I was taking this picture (I thought a big bird flew over my head!) and as soon as we realized what had happened we ran for cover...check out the video below...

We then climbed down in the thunderstorm to the first tower and took a zip line to the bottom...See the small peninsula on this side of the lake? That's where the zip line went all the way across to where that bridge is...

After our meal, our guide David took us to an authentic Chinese restaurant in a tiny was crazy good

"What r you lookin at? You lookin at me? You already had lunch!"

A great day and one I'll never forget...more Olympian News for my next post